Wednesday, December 19, 2007

November 13, 2007 Parent Meeting Notes

GOGA Parent Discussion Group Meeting
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 – Nichols School Library

Follow-up Action
Next GOGA meeting

Dec. 11, 2007 6:30-8:30

Nichols School Library

Carol Cain (Chair)

Nayith Pedroza
Beth Johnson

Deanna Kinney-Smith
Elaine Moore

Sarah Hughes
Jodie Pope

Charlie Ellis
Bobbie Amelse

Julia Torrez
Linda Elsberry
Lionel Norton


  • Feedback on UW-Madison trip.
  • Next steps for GOGA

Discussion, Decisions, Assignments
We started the meeting by introducing ourselves to the two new parents present today. We heard their experiences and that of their children’s with the school district. Dissatisfaction was again expressed from parents at the middle school and high school level. One parent shared the experience of one of the students being told by a teacher that he’ll never be more than a “hamburger flipper”. In this meeting the same names and same buildings are mentioned negatively.
Ms. Cain shared with the parents the experience she shared with approximately 60 students present on the trip to UW-Madison.  Ms. Amelse and Mr. Norton, who chaperoned during the trip along with Mrs. Norton and other parents, also shared their opinions and student reaction to the exposure. Overall the feedback is incredibly positive. Mr. Ellis and Ms. Pope who are the new BSU advisors also commented on the positive feedback received by the BSU students who participated on the trip. Ms. Cain shared video clips of press coverage from channels 27 and 3.

Ms. Cain discussed the need to form an Advisory Board as well as the invitation to present The GOGA Program to the school board in the near future. Parents expressed their desire to have GOGA formally recognized by the school district. Ms. Cain mentioned several funding opportunities that she will be seeking for the program as well as various outings for the students, such as visits to MATC, Edgewood and UW-Whitewater. Ms. Kinney-Smith, who is a consultant with UW-Health Labor Relations spoke about a potential opportunity for the students to either tour UW-Health as potential employees or have professionals come and speak to the children. Ms. Pedroza who works at MATC in the Adult Continuing Education division talked about getting information regarding touring MATC.

Ms. Cain also talked about having a group of students from UW’s International Reach come and speak to the students, potentially the school, about different cultures and cultural sensitivity.

The group also discussed where we were and where we wanted to go with GOGA. Our goal as a parent group is to increase the visibility and involvement of our parents in important areas throughout the district. We aim to be part of hiring committees, curriculum committees, and any other decision-making group where we currently don’t have a voice but should. We aim to be a group that will facilitate the district with a list of minority candidates for any given open positions. We aim to be a group that will supply the district with information and educational resources that can be provided to our children in the classroom. We aim to be a group that the district will need to consult before making changes or decisions that affect our children and us…and we aim to have representation on the school board.

The group officially named Ms. Cain as Program Coordinator. Ms. Cain requested that the group think of people to nominate as members of the GOGA Advisory Board. Several names of interest that came up were Mr. Lionel Norton, Ms. Zong Her and Ms. Elaine Moore, in addition to members of the originating group, Mr. Charlie Ellis and Ms. Linda Elsberry.

Tentative Agenda For The Next Meeting
  • Review and approval of GOGA’s Mission Statement
  • Votes on members of GOGA’s Advisory Board
  • Update on grant application status
  • Update on upcoming activities and meetings.

Call or email Carol Cain 608-209-5530 with additions or corrections to these minutes.

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